Program Evaluation
Pragmatic solutions to measuring your results; so you know your program's value on investment

Grant/ Proposal Development
You're busy delivering great services; let us sell the great story to your funders

Reporting and Data Visualization
Telling your story with data - without putting your stakeholders to sleep

Data Analytics
Turning spreadsheets into information; assessing past results to predict future performance
Quandary: Expertise that
Drives Your Results
Whether you’re a non-profit, public, or private organization, you face fierce competition; for customers, for contracts, or for grant funding. You know your programs are really making an impact, but how do measure that? How do you convince your stakeholders? And how do you decide where to put resources to optimize both your revenue streams and your program’s impact?
Chances are, know you really need to start measuring your value on investment, or even have stockpiles of data that someone will get to analyzing, someday, when you’re a little less busy…
And, maybe you’d also like to pursue a great funding opportunity, but don’t have the time for a 35-page grant proposal (that frankly, gives you nightmares about your college finals), or you got some grant funding, and are thinking, YAY! ….now, what the heck are these ‘process and outcome variables’ we’re supposed to report on?
Avoid the nightmares, avoid burning out your talented employees with yet another to-do, and collaborate with a team crazy enough to enjoy this stuff!
Quandary Consulting & Analytics brings decades of experience in grant writing, proposal and contracts development, designing and implementing pragmatic program evaluation, and analyzing, reporting on, and creating visualizations of data – for whomever your stakeholders are.
Quandary consultants also have industry-specific expertise in a variety of health and human services fields, including behavioral health, healthcare and Medicaid, telehealth, criminal justice, educational interventions, criminal justice, social determinants, and more. Let our expertise drive your results!

Our Team
Maryann Waugh MEd, principal, brings two decades of cross-industry experience in applied program evaluation, grant writing, analytics, reporting, and data visualization. She has led grant/contract proposals for over $2B in award; successfully procuring funding through state Medicaid contracts including Regional Accountable Entity, Behavioral Health Organization, and No Wrong Door, federal grants including SAMHSA, DHHS, DOJ, OJJDP, DOE, as well as other state and foundation level opportunities.
Her program design and evaluation expertise includes primary and specialty care-based telehealth, integrated care in adult and pediatric settings, youth and adult corrections and re-entry programming, as well as school-based initiatives such as positive behavioral support.